Class action filed against Uber for failing to protect users’ personal information

On October 22, 2017, a Portland resident filed a lawsuit before the Portland District Court seeking class-action status against Uber over a 2016 data breach.

According to the complaint, Uber announced for the first time in November 2017 a data breach that occurred in late 2016 and that compromised the personal information of 57 million Uber users.

Rather than promptly notifying the public of its breach as Oregon law required, Uber instead allegedly attempted to pay its hackers $100,000 in hopes of keeping the breach under wraps.

Plaintiff Medhi Seifian filed his complaint as a class action on behalf of an estimated 500,000 Oregon consumers. The complaint requests Uber to “provide fair compensation in an amount that will ensure every consumer harmed by its data breach will not be out-of-pocket for the costs of independent third-party credit repair and monitoring services.”

An investigation is also open in New York.

More information on Seifian v. Uber Technologies, Inc. is available at…


Originally published on Technethics on December 2017

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