Privacy complaint in Italy shall be field according to GDPR; local rules surpassed

On May 31, 2018, the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali, Italy’s Data Protection Authority (DPA) issued a decision explaining that until a legislative decree that harmonizes domestic law with the GDPR will come into force, the current complaint procedure shall be considered incompatible with the Regulations. The DPA refers to Article 77, GDPR, conferring data subjects the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

The DPA made available a page instructing on how to lodge a complaint (reclamo) and a sample complaint form that could be used. See here.


More on the Italian legislative decree is available at…

More information on its functions here


For more information on this and for advice on GDPR implementation, contact Francesca Giannoni-Crystal and Federica Romanelli.


Originally published on Technethics on June 2018

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