A county in Nevada has started to use blockchain to provide marriage certificates

Washoe County, Reno, in the State of Nevada, uses Ethereum blockchain to provide immutable digital record of wedding certificates. The service allows certified copies of marriage certificates to be emailed. It requires no special technology besides the ability to view a plain PDF. The U.S. County uses the services of a company called TitanSeal. At https://www.washoecounty.us... you may find a complete explanation of the service.   For more information and assistance on privacy, data Read more [...]

Antitrust fines Facebook 10 million for aggressive and misleading practices

On November 29, 2018, the Italian Antitrust Authority (Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato “AGCM”) found that Facebook committed two violations of the Italian Consumer Code and fined the it EUR 5 million for each violation. Facebook mislead consumers in registering to Facebook -in violation of articles 21 and 22 of the Italian Consumer Code – by not adequately informing them at the time of registration that their data would be used for commercial purposes. In addition, the AGCM found Read more [...]

German local courts prices claim for immaterial damages under GDPR

In November 2018, a German local court, the Amtsgericht Diez, decided on a claim for immaterial damages under Art. 82.1, GDPR. According to this source, on May 25, 2018, Plaintiff received an e-mail in which Plaintiff’s consent to receive a newsletter was requested. An email of this sort is considered spam under German law and also a GDPR violation. Defendant voluntarily paid € 50.00 to compensate Plaintiff for the violation. Plaintiff sought further € 500.00 under Art. 82.1, GDPR, Read more [...]

EDPS adopts Guidelines on GDPR’s territorial scope

On November 16, 2018, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) adopted guidelines on the territorial application of the GDPR. Guidelines 3/2018 on the territorial scope of Regulation 2016/679/EU- Version for public consultation. The guidelines are now open to public consultation. The Guidelines aim at clarifying the territorial scope of the GDPR, in particular where the data controller or processor is established outside of the EU. The EDPB sets out and clarifies the criteria for determining Read more [...]

GDPR complaints against Google for tracking filed with seven EU DPAs

On November 27, 2018, the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), informed that seven EU consumer organizations filed complaints against Google with their national data protection authorities (DPAs) for breaching the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in relation to how the company tracks its users’ location. The complaints are based on new research (Every step you take) published by Forbrukerrådet, the Norwegian consumer organization. According to the report, Google tracks the location Read more [...]