Barristers publish non-partisan, fact-based report on EU membership (consequence of Brexit on data protection is discussed)

The report consists of three papers and one executive summary. The Report spells our the “the legal impacts of withdrawal” in the Executive summary and in paper I.

The Report also discusses the consequences of Brexit on data protection:

We consider, were the UK to remain in the EU, that the new General Data Protection Regulation, which clarifies the meaning of key terms such as “personal data”, is likely to be beneficial overall to businesses processing personal data across borders, and to data subjects themselves. …  If the UK were to leave the EU, Council of Europe Convention 108 would require the UK to continue to adhere to comparable data protection standards, although the EU might insist on UK law closely matching the EU rules as a condition for entering into a “safe harbour” agreement enabling personal data to be freely exchanged between the EU and UK.

See more here on the Report here

See links to the full documents here below.

Executive summary

Paper I “New Settlement or Brexit? Key legal issues for the UK’s post-referendum relationship with the EU”. 

Paper II is entitled “Reform or withdrawal?  The legal impact on finance, business, work and free movement”.

Paper III is entitled “Reform or withdrawal? Rights and justice”.


Originally published on Technethics on June 2016

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