Italian DPA doesn’t deem the words “father-mother” to be accurate on electronic IDs

Photo by Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash


Expressing an opinion on a proposed bill aiming at substituting –in a 2015 Ministerial decree, Ministero dell’Interno del 23 dicembre 2015 – the words “father“ and “mother” in place of “parents or legal guardians” on the application for a minor’s ID, the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati (the Italian Data Protection Authority) highlights how the change may raise issues where the request for an ID is filed by individuals exercising parental responsibility that may not exactly be included in the terms of “father” or “mother”.

The change would risk to force applicants  to provide incorrect data or unnecessary data, which in this context is particularly serious because in certain situations (e.g., recognition of a gender reassignment) we would be dealing with extremely sensitive data and could sometimes even preclude the issuance of the minor’s ID for situations grounded in the family composition.

The “parere su uno schema di decreto in tema di modalità tecniche di emissione della carta di identità elettronica – 31 ottobre 2018, Registro dei provvedimenti n. 476 del 31 ottobre 2018”, is available at…

Originally published on Technethics on November 2018

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