On April 30, 2019, vpnMentor published an article revealing that hacktivists Noam Rotem and Ran Locar discovered an unprotected database impacting up to 80 million American households (65% of US households). The 24 GB database was hosted by a Microsoft cloud server and included the number of people living in each household with their full names, their marital status, income bracket, age, date of birth and more. It included data of people over the age of 40.
VpnMentor doesn’t know to which organization this database belongs, possibly an insurance, healthcare, or mortgage company.
After April 30, 2019 Microsoft took the server offline and the database is no longer open to the public, however, it did not reveal the owner of the database.
For more information on how privacy may impact your business, contact Francesca Giannoni-Crystal. Thanks to Federica Romanelli
Originally published on Technethics on May 2019