Conseil d’Etat requests preliminary ruling from CJEU on Right to be Forgotten

The right to be forgotten has been judicially recognized by the CJEU with the Google Spain judgment  (Case C-131/12). According to the judgement, Europeans have the right to disappear from search engine’s results under certain conditions. The National Commission of Information Technologies and Liberties (CNIL), Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés, rejected some complaints aimed at removing the results of several name searches on the Google search engine and consequently Read more [...]

ICO issues data protection self assessment toolkit

The United Kingdom DPA, the Information Commissioner Officer (ICO), published an interactive checklist fro organizations to assess  compliance with the Data Protection law and to explain how to comply the GDPR. The ICO’s toolkit includes the following topics: Data protection assurance Getting ready for the GDPR Information security Direct marketing Records management Data sharing and subject access CCTV The ICO’s data protection self assessment toolkit is available Read more [...]

Google’s unlimited time data retention policy under assessment in Denmark

On March 7, 2017, Reuters reported that the Danish Data Protection Agency was asked to look into Google’s alleged violation of EU privacy laws by not limiting the amount of time personal data is stored on Google’s servers. “We have become aware of the fact that Google today has 9-10 years of data on users with a Google account,” the report stated. More information on the Danish consumer watchdog Tænk’s position is available (in Dutch) at… For more information Read more [...]

ICO issues data protection self assessment toolkit

The Information Commissioner Officer (ICO) published a checklists to assess businesses’ compliance with the Data Protection Act and find out what you need to do to comply with it. The ICO’s toolkit includes the following topics: Data protection assurance Getting ready for the GDPR Information security Direct marketing Records management Data sharing and subject access CCTV The ICO's data protection self assessment toolkit is available at   Read more [...]

Italian DPA issues 2016 annual activity report – some interesting (and perhaps unexpected) information

On June 6, 2017, the Italian Data Protection Authority (DPA), the Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali, issued the annual report on its activity for 2016. The DPA’s activity concentrated on computer crimes and cyber security; online profiling and social media; cyberbullying; fight against terrorism and mass surveillance; Big Data; use of new technologies in the workplace; Public Administration’s transparency and citizens rights; taxation and protection of taxpayers’ privacy; telemarketing; Read more [...]