On July 13, 2018, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued a new policy memorandum which makes it easier for USCIS adjudicators to deny visa applications without any chance for applicants to correct the applications or submit additional information. The policy memorandum broadens USCIS adjudicator’s discretion to deny applications, without issuing a Request for Evidence (RFE, requests more evidences form the applicant) or Notice of Intent to Deny (NOID, which informs the Read more [...]

El “parole in place” podría permitir que los familiares de militares soliciten una tarjeta verde sin salir de los Estados Unidos

Muchos asumen que si ingresaron ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos, no hay opciones de inmigración disponibles. Sin embargo, quedan varias formas para solicitar una tarjeta de residencia (green card), como probar un "wave through" o presentar una dispensa de presencia ilegal (waiver of unlawful presence). Aquí hablaremos de una sola opción: el parole in place a favor de los militares y sus familias. Como regla general, uno debe haber sido inspeccionado y admitido o paroled en los Estados Unidos Read more [...]

Proving a “Wave-Through” might allow you to apply for a green card without leaving the U.S.

Many assume that if they entered the United States illegally, there are no immigration options available without leaving the United States. There are several possible ways that you might not have to leave in order to apply for your green card, but here we will focus on just one—the wave-through or Quilantan entry.  If you are married to a U.S. citizen and entered the United States legally, then this typically simplifies matters greatly.  As a general rule, overstaying your time in the United Read more [...]

White House will ask Supreme Court review on DACA program before appeals court

On January 16, 2018, the US Department of Justice appealed before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal Judge Alsup’s federal court order blocking the government from ending the DACA program. On the same date, the Department of Justice said that, within a few days, it will also file a petition for a writ of certiorari before judgment, seeking direct review before the Supreme Court. According to the press release, the Department is "now taking the rare step of requesting direct review on the merits Read more [...]