Class action USA intentata a seguito di attacco hacker a Yahoo

Il 23 settembre, 2016, Ronald Schwartz, residente a New York, ha citato in giudizio ed iniziato l’iter per presentare una class-action nei confronti di Yahoo. Schwartz ritiene che la società non sia riuscita a proteggere adeguatamente i propri utenti da attacchi privacy. Il procedimento è stato instaurato dopo che, il 22 settembre 2016, Yahoo ha emesso un comunicato stampa in cui ha confermato che le informazioni personali di almeno 500 milioni di utenti sono state rubate alla società alla Read more [...]

La Corte d’Appello belga decreta la propria incompetenza su Facebook Irlanda

Il 29 giugno 2016, la Corte d'Appello belga ha ribaltato la decisione di primo grado del Tribunale di Bruxelles contro Facebook. Il Tribunale di primo grado di Bruxelles aveva ritenuto Facebook responsabile per la violazione della legge sulla privacy belga per aver utilizzato cookie per monitorare soggetti non registrati su Facebook e che non avevano prestato il proprio consenso al trattamento dei loro dati personali. Facebook era stato multato 250.000 € al giorno, fino all’adempimento. Ulteriori Read more [...]

Class action filed against Yahoo’s data breach

On September 23, 2016, Ronald Schwartz, a New York resident, filed a case and sought class-action certification on behalf of himself and other users against defendant Yahoo. According to the complaint, the Company “failed to adequately protect its users or itself from data breach”. The claim was filed after, on September 22, 2016, Yahoo issued a press release in which it confirmed that sensitive personal account information associated with at least 500 million user accounts “was stolen Read more [...]

The Gov’t cannot force service providers to surrender information stored abroad, the Second Circuit holds

On July 14, 2016, the Second Circuit held that U.S. law does not authorize a warrant against a U.S.-based service provider for the seizure of e-mails stored in Ireland. In December 2013, a New York district court issued a warrant ordering Microsoft to produce all emails and private information associated with a certain account hosted by Microsoft. Microsoft disclosed all information kept within the U.S., and moved to quash the warrant as for  user’s content stored in Dublin, Ireland. The Read more [...]

Follow the Money: Fighting Cybercrime in the Digital Underworld (program at NYU Center for Cybersecurity)

On September 20, 2016, NYU Center for Cybersecurity hosted Follow the Money: Fighting Cybercrime in the Digital Underworld. The program was very engaging and the panelists brought to the table expertise in different fields to discuss the reality of cybercrime. Their conclusion was that cyber-criminals remain individuals motivated by money, hence the title of the lecture. Deterring these criminals means keeping them out of our networks as well as making it as difficult as possible for them Read more [...]