FCC’s Broadband Privacy Rules may soon be repealed

On March 23, 2017, the US Senate approved a joint resolution that could repeal the order “Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services” (“Order”) published on November 2016. See here. The joint resolution passed by the US Senate and House of Representatives disapproves the Order submitted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code. The joint resolution now heads to the House of Representatives. Read more [...]

Compelling password production does not violate Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination

On March 20, 2017, the US Third Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a ruling of contempt from a District court over a man’s claimed inability to remember his drive-decryption passwords. The appeal concerned the Government’s ability to compel the decryption of digital devices after the Government seizes those devices pursuant to a valid search warrant. The District Court found Appellant John Doe in civil contempt for refusing to comply with an order which required him to produce several seized Read more [...]

Certificazione Privacy Shield non significa necessariamente medesimo trattamento per tutti i dati

Lo scudo UE-USA per la privacy (UE-US Privacy Shield) non obbliga le società americane a sottostare al suo contenuto per tutti i dati da loro trattati. Le garanzie del privacy shield, infatti, si applicano solo ai dati trasferiti dall'Europa. Tuttavia, se le società attive sotto il privacy shield non specificano tale distinzione nelle loro comunicazioni ufficiali, ma si limitano a sostenere di essere "privacy shield certified", rischiano che tutti i dati da loro trattati, e non sono quelli provenienti Read more [...]

WP29 keeps on asking Microsoft to fix Windows 10 privacy flaws

On February 15, 2017, WP29 sent another letter to Microsoft expressing its concerns about the default installation settings and continuous apparent lack of control for users to prevent collection and further processing of their data. Following the launch of Windows 10, WP29 and Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) around the world expressed significant concerns about the default installation settings and an apparent lack of control for users to prevent collection or further processing of data. See Read more [...]

New York passed first cybersecurity legislation for banks and financial institution

On March 1, 2017, the new Cybersecurity Regulation to Protect Consumers and Financial Institutions proposed by Governor Andrew Cuomo took effect . This first-in-the-nation piece of legislation aims at protecting consumer data and financial systems from cyber-attacks of terrorist organizations and other criminal enterprises. The Regulation requires banks, insurance companies, and other financial services institutions to maintain a cybersecurity program designed to protect consumers and New York Read more [...]