What data controllers should do before receiving a subject access request

What data controllers should do before receiving a possible subject access request  As a data controller, you obviously know it: one day you may receive an access request from a data subject. Being available to promptly comply with the request when you receive it is far from being enough. Indeed, there is much more that a data controller should do. Organizational preparation is key. Among other things, as a data controller, you should set up an organization that allows you to do the Read more [...]

Congresso americano abroga regole privacy per operatori di servizi su banda larga

Sono già state abrogate le disposizioni pubblicate il 2 novembre 2016 dalla Federal Communications Commission ("FCC", un’autorità a livello federale americano per la tutela delle comunicazioni), volte a proteggere la privacy dei consumatori di servizi su banda larga e di altri servizi di telecomunicazione. La decisione dell’FCC, denominata Order Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services, in vigore dal gennaio 2017, era stata contestata da diversi Read more [...]

LIBE votes Privacy Shield still inadequate

On March 23, 2017, the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE Committee) voted (29 to 25, with one abstention) in favor of a resolution declaring that the Privacy Shield is inadequate and still has key deficiencies that urgently need to be resolved. Among the identified deficiencies, LIBE pointed out the followings: the lack of specific rules on automated decision-making or the general right to object, and the lack of clear principles on how the Privacy Read more [...]

House of Representatives voted to repeal FCC’s Broadband Privacy Rules

On March 28, 2017, the US House of Representatives approved 215 to 205 a joint resolution to repeal the order “Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services” (“Order”) published on November 2016. See here. The joint resolution (S.J.RES34) passed by the US Senate and House of Representatives disapproves the Order submitted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code. The Order will be formally Read more [...]

Home Depot to settle financial institution class against 2014’s data breach

On March 8, 2017, Home Depot Inc. (Home Depot) reached an agreement that, if approved, will bring the putative class action, brought by certain financial institutions impacted by the company’s 2014 data breach, to an end. In September 2014, Home Depot announced that its payment data systems had been breached. See here. Investigation revealed hackers placed malware on Home Depot’s self-checkout kiosks in stores across the country, allowing them to steal customers’ personal financial information. Read more [...]