Update on the conclusion of the proceeding before the Irish High Court deciding whether to ask the ECJ to issue preliminary ruling on Model Clauses

The hearing before the Irish High Court brought by the Irish Data Protection Authority (DPA) against Facebook Ireland Ltd and Mr Schrems over EU-US data transfers concluded on 15 March 2017 after approximately 5 and a half weeks. More information on the case is available here.

According to the DPA, legal submissions were made on behalf of: (i) each of the parties, (the DPA, Facebook and Mr Schrems); and (ii) each of the amici curiae (BSA, Digital Europe, EPIC and the US Government). The Court also heard oral evidence from five expert witnesses on US law. Judgment has been reserved. This means that it will be delivered at a later point. There is currently no indication as to when this will happen.

More information on the case Data Protection Commissioner -v- Facebook Ireland Ltd & anor is available here.

More on the CJEU’s Schrems decision is available at http://www.technethics.com….

The Irish Data Protection Commissioner’s latest update on the case can be found here.

EPIC’s Update on the case can be found here.

Schrem’s website “Europe v Facebook” (website collecting information regarding class actions against Facebook) is available at http://www.europe-v-facebook.org….


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