Working document on Adequacy Referential (wp254)

On February 9, 2018, Working Party 29 (WP29) published the Working document on Adequacy Referential (wp254). The paper provides guidance to the European Commission and the WP29 for the assessment of the level of data protection in third countries and international organizations by “establishing the core data protection principles that have to be present in a third country legal framework or an international organization in order to ensure essential equivalence with the EU framework. In addition, it may guide third countries and international organizations interested in obtaining adequacy,” after the implementation of Regulation 2016/679, the s.c. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Wp254 updates the previously published Working Document on transfers of personal data to third countries (WP12, Working Document: Transfers of personal data to third countries: Applying Articles 25 and 26 of the EU data protection directive, July 24, 1998.).


Working document on Adequacy Referential (wp254) is available at… Open PDF



Originally published on Technethics on March 2018




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