WP29 issues guidelines aiming at GDPR implementation

download (7)In its plenary meeting held in April 2017, Working Party 29 (WP29) examined certain critical matters regarding the implementation of Regulation 2016/679, the s.c. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

After having examined the comments received during the public consultation which ended on February 15, 2017 (see here), WP29 adopted the final versions of several guidelines, and in particular, the ones concerning:

WP29 also adopted Guidelines on Data Protection Impact Assessment,  which will be open for public consultation for 6 weeks before their final adoption.

WP29 worked on the organization and structure of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), which shall be ready by May 25, 2018.

Here the Press release – Plenary Meeting April 2017

Originally published on Technethics on April 2017

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